Population density Ontario and Québec
About 35.15 million people are living in the second largest country on earth, but most of them in the few big cities. Toronto is the largest city in Canada. The word “Canada” is derived from “Kanata”, a term from the Iroquois language and means village or settlement. Canada consists of 10 provinces and three territories, each with its own provincial capital.
Ontario and Québec, which are just two of 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada, have a total land area of 2,265,156 km². This is about 6.3 times the size of Germany.
A total of 21.61 million people are living in this area, that is just 9.5 people per km². In the United Kingdom, on the other hand, it is 281 people per km2 with a total population of 67.756 million and in Germany 229 people share one km², out of a total population of 81.768 million.
The rest of Canada will be even less crowded. This is where the remaining 14 million people of Canada’s total population are to be found.
Four-fifths of Canada’s population live in the major cities, which means that the population/km² in the countryside is even smaller. Therefore, it should not be difficult to find a place where you can spend your free time in peace and quiet.
Land area and population of the provinces and territories in Canada
in ABC order ( source: Statistics Canada, 2016 )

- Overall: Canada (CND)
- Capital: Ottawa
- Land area (km²): 8.965.121
- Population: 35.151.728 (2016) The current estimate is around 38.5 million.
Alberta (AB)

- Province: Alberta (AB)
- Capital: Edmonton
- Land area (km²): 640.082
- Population: 4.067.175
British Columbia (BC)

- Province: British Columbia (BC)
- Capital: Victoria
- Land area (km²): 922.510
- Population: 4.648.055
Manitoba (MB)

- Province: Manitoba (MB)
- Capital: Winnipeg
- Land area (km²): 552.330
- Population: 1.278.365
Newfoundland & Labrador (NL)

- Province: Newfoundland& Labrador (NL)
- Capital: St. John’s
- Land area (km²): 370.511
- Population: 519.716
New Brunswick (NB)

- Province: New Brunswick (NB)
- Capital: Fredericton
- Land area (km²): 71.377
- Population: 747.101
Northwest Territory (NT)

- Territory: Northwest Territory (NT)
- Capital: Yelloknife
- Land area (km²): 1.143.794
- Population: 41.786
Nova Scotia (NS)

- Provinvce: Nova Scotia (NS)
- Capital: Halifax
- Land area (km²): 52.939
- Population: 923.598
Nunavut (NU)

- Territory: Nunavut (NU)
- Capital: Iqaluit
- Land area (km²) : 1.877.788
- Population: 35.944
Ontario (ON)

- Province: Ontario (ON)
- Capital: Toronto (größte Stadt Kanadas)
- Land area (km²): 908.608
- Population: 13.448.494
Prince Edward Island (PEI)

- Province: Prince Edward Island (PEI)
- Capital: Charlottetown
- Land area (km²): 5.686
- Population: 142.907
Québec (QC)

- Province: Québec (QC)
- Capital: Québec City
- Land area (km²): 1.356.547
- Population: 8.164.361
Saskatchewan (SK)

- Province: Saskatchewan (SK)
- Capital: Regina
- Land area (km²): 588.240
- Population: 1.098.352
Yukon Territory (YK)

- Territory: Yukon Territory (YK)
- Capital: Whitehorse
- Land area (km²): 474.713
- Population: 35.874